
Saturday, October 13, 2018

"It Looks Better IRL"

So this post is to show how I change my mind over an outfit ;) 

I LOVED this outfit when I wore it. 
And I received a ton of compliments on it. 

But when I looked at the pictures later I HATED IT. 

So much I threw away the boots afterward. 

Like why did I even wear the boots with this outfit? Too much grey. And that skirt just covered up all of the bling of the boots anyways. 

Skirt: Thrift store
Tank top: Walmart 
Boots: Some small store at the mall. 
Necklace: Thrift store

I think I'd like the outfit better if my hair weren't so flat and if I wore different shoes with it. I really like the belt and shirt together. Maybe it needs a different skirt, too? 

Expect to see most posts with the shirt and belt to see if I can muster up something nicer :) 

What about you? Ever find you don't like something as much as you thought once you saw the pictures? Or maybe, like me, you feel like the outfit just suited real life better than pictures ;) 


  1. White skirt, white belt, white shoes. ~Aunt Sarah

    1. haha, white would look nice . . . except I don't have a white skirt, and my only white shoes were too summery.
