
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Confident Fashion {Hike your style}

Photos from when my sister and I went hiking. She likes taking pictures, I like being in them. So we make a great team ;)

But still have to have pictures of her!

Enjoy our different styles ;)

Large dandelion (I think)

Selfie with mountains :D 

Top of Table Mountain 

The sky is bigger some places ;) 

I don't poke my eyes - just my sunglasses. 

My tough sister, prepared for bears or rattle snakes. 

Pretty Montana flowers 

I'm pretty sure everything we were wearing was gifted or thrifted. The sunglasses I bought from Amazon. And the skirt I'm wearing was tie dyed by this lady we call Tie Dye Mary. 

Whether we like to admit it or not, the way we dress matters a lot to us girls.

It's a part of who we are.

And for that reason we are always stressing out over it.

But to be able to be free - just dress how you want and be happy? It's something that takes a special state of mind. And once you achieve it you feel amazing - and realize no matter what you wear you feel that you look amazing.

Which I believe is the true secret to making fashion work - just wear what you wear with confidence!

As you can see my sister and I wear different sort of things - but we have our own confidence that fits those outfits perfectly.

Have you achieved confidence in your style? What helped you/ is helping you in this process? 

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