
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Snow, It's Fashion Time Again

Hey, you fashion readers. 

I can't believe I'm still at this. I've never really been a fashion blogger. Yet, here I've been doing it since who knows when.

And I'm still not that much better at it. Ugh... well, hopefully it's still enjoyed. 

I plan to change things up some.

First off I'm not going to tell you all where I get things anymore. Because:

  • It's all either thrifted.
  • home-made
  • gifts
  • or from sale's racks.

So, it doesn't help you much if I write it. And for me it's a nuisance and waste of time ;p

But I do have some other fun things planned for these posts!! Laughter, creativity, and thoughtful ponderings!  

So,stay tuned. This should be a fun year for fashion :D

My dress was too long, so I cut off a couple inches, creating a scalloped hem :D

From this picture you'd think I don't like cats. I actually do ;p 

I love doing my hair this way! 

Two of my sisters. The one on the far left is my photographer, Jerushah. We had just sang a song I wrote at church.

I love color! But white and brown are two of my favorite complimentary colors. They go with everything!

This button up shirt reminds me so much of Asian fashion. I don't usually wear button up shirts under dresses... but it looked great with this one. This is one of my new favorite outfits for church.

It's been a bit cold here, as you can see from the pictures ;)

Have you ever wore a button-up under a dress or jumper? How is the weather where you live? 


  1. The weather IS COLD (single-digit cold. Which is unusual here). I love that hair clip you have! And that scalloped edge on that dress looks really good!!


    1. It's below zero here ;p And my clip is Lila Rose :D Thanks!
