
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Fashionably Unique

 Time for church and . . . what shall I wear? I've spent most of the morning cleaning the local tire shop and watering a neighbor's flowers AND I have about half an hour to shower and dress for church.

And today I feel like having fun with my clothes. 

So, what do I do?

I throw some art together ;p 

It's unique, it's me, and I think it may have worked . . . 

Full skirt, colorful skirt, add some lace, give it a cowgirl look (hat and boots), and don't forget to cinch the waste! 

I've heard adding waste and some sort of v and the neckline really makes an outfit pop.

I kinda did that with this . . . what do you think?

Also, I don't usually do brown and black together, but I only had a black belt. 

Old piano we were throwing out . . . I thought it would make an artsy picture but my sister didn't agree and wouldn't get most of the piano ;/ 

Skirt: Thrift store
Lace under shirt: Thrift
Blue tank: Ross
Hat: I seriously can't remember - either the mall or a thrift store
Boots: Murdoch's
Belt: Walmart
Necklace: Made

Would you wear this? Describe a fun outfit you've put together in a hurry! What makes an outfit pop to you? 


  1. I really like this outfit! The only reason why I wouldn't wear it is because right now I'm nursing. :P And I don't usually wear hats like cowboy hats, so I probably would do a headcovering/bandana look instead.

    I think what makes an outfit "pop" to me, is bright colors. Or if it's supposed to be elegant, then I definitely love a form-fitting look (but not overly tight) withe some lace. I also think an elegant hairstyle completes an outfit, but I personally rarely put my hair in fancy styles... it's so much work, and my arms get tired! lol

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I don't usually do hats either (though I used to never be seen without one). A bandanna would still look great with this outfit.

      Yes to bright colors! And love elegant outfits that both FIT and DRAPE! And lace . . . oh, never enough of that ;)

      I'll have to do a blog post soon of an elegant hairstyle that literally takes five minutes. I love fancy hair-do's too, but don't like to spend too much time on them ;)
