
Thursday, November 24, 2016

CHOMP sticks {Review}

Hello, Classy Ladies! I apologize for my lack of posts lately. Things have been crazy. One always thinks things will calm down for the summer but they end up being just as busy as school time and now that it's school time well... Needless to say, I'm a bit overdue on some reviews so expect several coming up. Today I'm reviewing a wonderful treat I received a while back but haven't reviewed yet: Chomp Snack Stix!
Official image.

 I received this snack through BrandBacker and CHOMPS in exchange for my review.

I received three flavors. Hoppin' Jalapeno, Crankin' Cran, and Original. These snacks are essentially large slim jims. BUT they are healthier. Yes. They are made from 100% grass-fed beef and no artificial ingredients. Oh, and they have a long shelf life... how? Celery juice. COOL.

 Yeah, I loved them. I've probably mentioned that anything that involves me getting food is a win. They have a sort of plastic outside (not really plastic, but that's how I'm describing them.) You can taste the beef in them, too.

 Let's talk flavors.

Original - The original flavor is somewhat spicy, not too bad. Beef tasting.

Crankin Cran - This actually has cranberry filling in it! What!?! It's is a mix of spicy and sweet cough, but delicious). Yum.
(spicy enough to make me

Hoppin Jalapeno - Obviously this one is even spicier. There is still that classic beef taste to it, but there is an extra kick. I noticed that they
were spicier when I first got them (or maybe my brain is just weird) but when I tried them more recently, they did n't leave a strong of a taste on my tongue. Either way, it was good.

I think my favorite could have been the Crankin' Cran. I love a mixture of spicy and sweet and the fact that there was actually filling inside the beef was pretty cool!

 As a note, the sticks are a bit softer than something like a slim-jim, but they are delicious. They are larger than classic slim jims and wayyyyyyyyyyy healthier. I think I would pack these as a snack all the time if I could. If you are interested in checking them out for yourself, visit to get your own awesome Snack Sticks.

Thanks for reading! What flavor sounded the best to you?

~ Bethany

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