
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Pink and A Pony, Too

It's that time of the year again: winter. (Meaning boots, long sleeves, and sweaters.)

Normally Montana winters are so very cold and miserable. Like very so. But this year has been rather warm.

Which I don't mind ;)

I can still wear my boots... with out having too much other excess bulk, lol :D

Anyways, here are pictures of a fun outfit I wore to church this last week.

The wind worked to our advantage today, turning those pages just right;b

Just because you are "reading" doesn't mean you can't smile ;D

I'm afraid we like to get more funny photo's than "fashionable" ones ;)

And, I thought it would be fun to share a a picture of all of my sisters, ready for church :)


Pink Shirt: thrift
Tank top: Walmart
Lace Shirt: thrift
Skirt: Thrift
Boots: Plato's Closet
Necklace: My dear friend, Esther - It's my pony (inside joke ;b)

Yesterday I started reading The Giver by Lois Lowry (finally). I have been wanting to  read it ever since watching the movie a few months back... and falling in love with the closing song, Ordinary Human by OneRepublic.

I haven't finished the book... but it is soooo good!!!  

The whole premise is just so intriguing: this world where every thing is the perfect. Health. No death. Every one is happy, content. Nothing bad happens.

But the main character is chosen for a special job... one that will make him see what they don't have. 

Color. Joy. Uniqueness.

(We really have taken color for granted. Read this book, and you'll see what I mean.)

But the biggest thing that hit me was the freedom of choice.

Sure, choice results in a lot of evil, disaster, awful PAIN, and more... but God still created us with the ability to choose.

Because, even though we have to endure all those evil things... we also get the satisfaction of joy and color.

And, for some reason, I'm really thank full that God allows me to choose.

And, I didn't mean to tag a book review to this post... except I thought the message just too strong to not share ;) And you never know... maybe it was good I did just that. 

What has your week been like? Have you read anything that impacted your life? And what are your thoughts on color? Of, course... we all have to agree that pink is awesome ;b