
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Yea, Though I Walk Through Unending Prairies

Another mountain climbed. Another valley crossed. They turned over another cornerstone, opened a new page.

They have done much in life.

"God, why am I the only Christian that has made neither progress in my walk with you, and with the destiny of my life? Am I lukewarm? Neither hot nor cold?"

Before me. Behind me. It's the same. It stretches for miles and miles. I continue to move, but the scenery stays the same. An unending prairie - in front and behind.

Dull. Lifeless. Void of anything different.

Yet, I continue to go. My path is too easy to walk. Yet I find this in itself too hard.

Because when something is hard, when it has texture it is easier to keep going. It must also be easier to forget that they even have to walk, and in a way one could enjoy the hardships, because it adds color to life. Their mountains and valleys show progress.

All around me, my friends join me on my path for a short while, before heading back to their mountains.

I hear stories of reaching the peak of their mountain of joy. Yes, they have fallen into the valleys of sin, and had a hard time climbing some of those rocky terrains, but at least they could always see the distance they had put behind them.

The final peak may be far, but they can see themselves coming to it. Sometimes they don't even need to go any where, because of how sure they are of making it.

But me? Why do I even continue to walk? My path has had no turns, besides those of temptation. It had neither gone up or down. Always the same.

I can see not where I'm going, nor where I've come from.

And then I hear a voice. God. "It's not the path that matters, nor how many trials others seem to experience. Sometimes the easiest path can be the hardest And most worthy - because it is the one that takes more determination. You must constantly drive yourself forwards to a goal you can barely see. And despite the lack of progress you think you see, you continue going."

I smile.

So that is the secret.

It's about me keeping on. Continuing on the path God has given me, not jealous of others' trials and joys.

It's about me staying joyful despite that my path has appeared as a prairie wasteland instead of a magnificent mountain.

It's about me being joyful where God has placed me, and not trying to run off to join the others on their mountains. Not that those are evil.

But that is not where God has called me.

I laugh with inner joy.

The others' demeaning shouts - when they try to downplay my trials, I will not let it bother me.

For none of that matters.

All that matters is keeping on. Doing what God has for me. And not caring if my own personal desire for achievement is ever satisfied.

God's way is enough.

Hello, Reader. Do you ever feel this way... that life just seems to continue on without challenge or excitement? It's a dangerous place to be... for shortly after writing this post I was finally tossed into the mountains and I acquired that struggle I yearned to know. It was not at all glamorous, but painful. But still yet again I learned... I learned how to be satisfied no matter where I was walking in life.

Be careful what you wish for. And learn to love and smile wherever you are... that's the key to learning contentment :) 

This was originally posted on my blog, Keturah's Korner

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