
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Be A Sunflower...

... or a hippie wearing flowers ;D I just love flowers, to be honest :D 

I don't know if I've ever done a high pony tail before? I really loved how it looked with this outfit - and the Lila Rose clip added a really nice touch. 

I ordered it and a larger one from this friend on facebook

Trying to show off all the jewelry ;p

Whose left their hand prints dripping? 

Smile, cause my hair is already higher than the wind.

Sunflower pose.

Shirt: thrifted
Skirt: thrifted
Shoes: thrifted
Tank top: Walm-mart
Bracelets: 1. made, 2. bought (?) 3. gifted
Necklace: Made

What are you feeling like the weekend?