
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Are You Laughing?


There's something about it. You either hate it or love it.

It can be distracting, addicting, or even contagious – all in good ways. Attractive, beautiful, meaningful.

But hopefully it's never repulsive, obnoxious, and disturbing ;b

Haha... I mean some would think so… But… really, what sort of minds do they have!? Lol.

Some people will love you for your laugh. And then there will be those that hate you for it.

That can sometimes be discouraging, and even make one want to quit laughing.

But should you?

Is laughing something that should be controlled, or is it something to be encouraged? Even in ourselves?

I must say I have a very STRONG opinion on this… but first I'll share some verses.

A joyful heart makes a cheerful face(smiling is the first step to laughing ;b), But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. ~ Proverbs 15:13

According to Proverbs 31, the virtuous woman laughs without fear of the future. Now that might sound a little sarcastic, and even bold, but hey, would you rather be one off those grumpy people always wining about what might happen, or would you rather be laughing your head off, waiting for each new thing to come along?

I would much rather laugh.

Laughter isn't just refreshing to the one laughing, it's a bright light to those around you. (Not counting those few grumps who would rather be gloomy.) When you laugh, for real, you feel more happy (duh), less stressed and tired, and more prepared for whatever may come.

In a way Proverbs 31 could mean, not laughing the future away as if it were nothing, but that the laugh clears your mind enough to be able to fully comprehend what to do.

Of, course you'll have those few laugh-cops still trying to break that smile – A time to cry and a time to laugh. (Ecc 3:2-4)

If you ask me, life has enough tears. Any opportunity that arises is THE TIME to LAUGH.

So, use this day to be happy and glad. And make it a great day for others, too.



And laugh some more!

Because, who doesn't need more laughter in their lives????????????

 Just Laugh. Make the world happier ;)

Originally posted at Keturah's Korner

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