
Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Flower Huntress

Last weekend I remembered I had a fashion post scheduled, but no post. 

So, I and two of my siblings decided to spend a day in the mountains. Taking pictures. 

It was the perfect time to do so as flowers were everywhere!


I'm still trying to find out what these flowers are called... loved them so much!


They smell so nice! Must know their name!

Rocks and trees ;p

The flower hunting trio

All our picked wild flowers! 
Wild flower bouquets! 
Shirt: Thrift store (and it's sleepwear, lol!)
Skirt: Thrift
Tank top: Walmart
Necklace: I made it :)

Are the flowers out where you live yet? What is your favorite flower? Mine are wild Sweet William. Though that mysterious, little flower is voting to join (not replace) Sweet William. ;D I also LOVE wild roses. 

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