Some weeks are just great.
Others are even greater. Like my last couple weeks.
I have got to spend so much time with a couple of my friends.
These pictures from a photo shoot we did at one of their houses.
As you can tell, it was a pretty location...and we had a lot of fun!
And, yes, pink and green are my go-to colors. They are just so gorgeous together!
SHIRT: Hand-me-down
SKIRT: Bargain hunt
TANK TOP: Wal-mart
NECKLACE: Hand-me-down
BRACELET: A small boutique store
HAT: Gift
Photo shoots like these are so fun! Dressing up with friends, smiling, doing crazy things - it's all an adventure! I must say I really enjoyed this one though :)
What have you done lately that has just made your week? Feel free to share - and let me know what you think about my crazy outfit ;)