Thursday, February 14, 2013

Greetings and Salutations!

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(photo credit: Pinterest)
Howdy ladies! Welcome to A Pinch of Classy! We are a little group of Christian gals with a heart for reaching out to other women and girls, and helping them see that true beauty comes from within.
Modesty is more than just what you wear. While it is indeed very important that we dress in a God-honoring way, it's equally (if not MORE important) that our hearts are clean and pure, and radiate with true modesty and beauty.
As Proverbs 31:10 says,
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."
Here at APOC, we'll be posting not only outfit ideas and modest fashion tips, but also articles and thoughts on inner beauty, purity of mind and soul, humility and graciousness, as well as reviews of beauty products and apparel.
Class is something that is dying in this culture. True beauty is being replaced by the want to be "hot" and "sexy". There is a huge pressure for ladies to conform to what Hollywood and the secular media deems attractive.
Well, we're here to combat against the propaganda being thrown at us that says we must flaunt our skin to to be beautiful. We're here to give you examples of fresh, modest fashion, encouragement and inspiration in the midst of a dark, discouraging world, and above all, we're here to point you to the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our first *official* post will be this Monday, the 18th. So, stay tuned! We're glad you dropped by, and we hope you enjoy your visit!
(on behalf of the APOC Team)