Wednesday, March 27, 2013

UN-Classy: Gossip

Gossiping is so easy to do (at least for me).  It's hard to figure out where that line is between sharing general info and gossiping.  

Gossip:Rumor or report of an intimate nature; a chatty talk-Merriam-Webster

So many times an innocent conversation turns into a full blown gossip fest (okay, maybe not that bad, but you get the idea).  I've noticed especially when sharing prayer concerns its easy to fall into gossiping.

In Titus, we read about older women setting examples for the younger women.

The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior,not slanderers (gossipers)...Titus 2:3

In Timothy, Paul writes about the qualifications of deacons and among those is a list for their wives.

Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things. I Tim. 3:11

I love this first sentence from this passage in Proverbs.  It really puts it out there and is an eye-opener.

Whoever hides hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool.  In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.  The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; the heart of the wicked is worth little.  The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of wisdom.  Prov. 10:18-21

We have the power to build people up with our mouths, but one ill gotten word or phrase can cause the trust to crumble away.   So many times we don't mean anything bad by our words, but the other person doesn't know this.  Better to be safe than sorry.
I've found the best way to deal with gossip is to have a close group of friends or family help you out.  Keep each other accountable and steer the conversation a different direction if you start gossiping.

I have an amazing group of friends that help keep me accountable.  During our prayer times we mention names of other friends that might need prayer, but we don't go into a lot of detail.  This helps us to stay away from the temptation of gossiping.  

Like I mentioned above, it is so hard to draw the line on what is gossip and what isn't.  Get a group of friends and help each other out.  Keep one another accountable and we'll stay classy together!

(All emphasis in above Scripture is mine.)

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