Saturday, March 23, 2013

Classy Camo


 Okay.  So, camo.  Camouflage is totally in style right now.  It's most popular around deer season, but everyone knows it's classy whenever.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I love hunting.  I've been hunting with my older brother, Mick, since I was 12.  So, here are a few photos to get you all into the camo mood.


Shooting a bow.

Russell Outdoors, Mossy Oak, bow hunting

In the woods.

Realtree Girl® Camo Hoodie Sweatshirt

Casual camo.

camo jacket

Fancy camo.


Casual camo winter jacket.

best camo brand for women - prois

Prois.  Women's camo company.  They make really nice company, but can be very expensive.

 Próis® Women's Cap at Cabela's. Would LOVE this for my birthday.

Prois hunting cap, to shield your face while hunting.

Realtree.  Well known camo company.

Mossy oak.  They probably use more leaves than any other camouflage company.  They have many different patterns.  My hunting clothes are mossy oak.

I got a camo dress last Christmas, handmade by my Mother.  The picture is taken with my brother, Mick.

So, those were a few camo photos.  I hope you liked it!


  1. Peeta loves camo, Abri. He loves your post . . .

    1. BTW, he was in every picture . . . . you just couldn't see him, he was so camouflaged.

    2. Ah-ha-ha-ha. You convinced me to do camouflage! You planned that comment all along.

    3. Actually, I didn't. I just thought of it while looking at the Mossy Oak picture. :P I thought, "I bet that's Peeta's arm."

  2. Wow nice I love camo, (I am one of the many girls who had a field day when I found out that it was in)
    Personally though I like the military fatigue style of camo. I went on a survival exercise yesterday and it was really cool looking at all the different designs, there was: digital, forest, french, British, desert, funky desert, and chocolate chip camo!
