Sunday, March 10, 2013


His steady brown eyes look into hers with so much love as he carefully pours the new wine into the cup and drinks from it before handing it to her.  She looks up at him knowing that this decision will effect the rest of her life and his.  The covenant has been read and she can choose to reject or accept his proposal.  She takes the cup, smiles and drinks.  The room erupts in applause as the covenant is now agreed to and the man and woman legally married or betrothed.

The man goes away to make a home for his new bride and she waits in anticipation, not knowing when he will return and take her away with him.

This is the way Jewish marriages began in history.  Yeshua repeatedly compared His relationship to us with that of a bridegroom and his bride.  Like the Jewish bride who had to be ready at a moment's notice when her bridegroom arrived, we must be always looking forward to the day when our
Bridegroom will return for us.  We ought to remind ourselves to never do anything that we would not be happy to be doing when He does return and we are at last united with Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, the King of kings and Lord of lords!